Groundbreaking conversations about the future of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning industry. Check what was happening at the Warsaw HVAC Expo
Warsaw HVAC Expo, an international trade fair for heating, ventilation and air conditioning technology, was held on March 1-3, 2023 at Ptak Warsaw Expo. Record-breaking attendance, conferences full of discussions and industry leaders – these are just some of the elements that contributed to the success of the event.
Warsaw HVAC Expo is the largest trade fair for heating, ventilation and air conditioning technology in Poland. It was an opportunity to promote enterprises among an international group of investors, establish business relations with representatives of the foreign market, as well as to implement industry innovations and check the trends that are most popular abroad.
One of the most important elements of the Warsaw HVAC Expo was also education, which in this edition focused primarily on new challenges and the market situation in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning industry.

Changes in the industry are "today", not "tomorrow". Warsaw HVAC Expo conferences
The HVACR market is constantly evolving. Further ecological challenges, more expensive energy carriers, as well as requirements related to the improvement of energy efficiency of HVACR systems need new technologies and solutions. Speakers and participants at the Warsaw HVAC Expo “HVACR 360° 2023” conference organized by the editors of Chłodnictwo&Klimatizator magazine discussed them, as well as the current situation and planned legal changes affecting the industry.
The thematic spectrum was wide. A large part of the discussion was devoted to heat pumps, their development prospects and threats (speakers: Małgorzata Smuczyńska, Jacek Rachwał, Karol Brus). Agnieszka Tomaszewska from the Ministry of Climate and Environment, Department of Strategy and Analyzes, Plenipotentiary for Environmental Management at the Ministry of Culture and Environment spoke about new requirements and restrictions for companies importing equipment and manufacturers from the HVACR industry in the context of the amendment to the F-gas Act in the EU. The topic of the NCBR’s ongoing and planned projects for the construction of innovative HVAC solutions was raised by Mariusz Skwarczyński from the Department of Development of Innovative Program Management Methods at the NCBR. An important topic of the EPBD directives – amendments to legal acts – was covered by Justyna Kozuń from the Ministry of Development and Technology, Department of Energy Efficiency of Buildings, Department of Low-Emission Economy.
During the event, there were also talks on case studies – reduction of investment costs, European Funds for companies, the impact of meteorological years on energy analyses, selection and size of HVACR equipment/systems and the possibility of optimizing work. The event was therefore a compendium of knowledge about the industry, which attracted thousands of participants. After the lectures, many of them went to individual consultations with experts and sector leaders, conducting long talks about the future of this branch of services.
Visitors could also participate in a conference organized by the National Chamber of Chimney Sweeps. The theme of the event oscillated around design, implementation and operational errors in gravitational ventilation, work automation in MSP services or roof communication.
Meetings with sector leaders during the Warsaw HVAC Expo
Warsaw HVAC Expo was a networking platform connecting foreign clients with exhibitors from Poland and beyond. It has opened the industry to international trade and expanded both the contractor base and the prospects for the sector.
The event was attended by the most important industry leaders. Among them were Emiternet, Gree Air Conditioning Systems, HomeStar, inTech, KlimaTherm, Kołton, Ochsner, Salvador Escoda, Shenling, Tempcold, Trane, Zymetric, A Clima, Afore, Alexa Dystrybucja, Belimo, Clima Gold, Condair, Cooper&Hunter and KAPE. They presented heating systems and devices, heating pumps, heat exchangers, refrigeration systems and equipment, equipment and product insulation, measurement technologies, automation solutions, components and renewable energy.

Warsaw HVAC Expo - new technologies, future and dynamic development
Warsaw HVAC Expo was a dynamic and developing event in this sector. The new technologies and innovations presented during it enjoyed great interest among visitors. We have confirmation of establishing thousands of new business relationships, which will certainly translate into huge profits for the industry. We are glad that Ptak Warsaw Expo has once again confirmed its status as the capital of European business fairs.
Warsaw HVAC Expo – number of visitors: 14028
Warsaw HVAC Expo – number of exhibitors: 234
Warsaw HVAC Expo – exhibition space: 25000m2
Warsaw HVAC Expo – number of conferences: 2
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