Join Us for the Last Trade Events of the Year at Ptak Warsaw Expo!

The year 2024 is coming to an end, but before it does, six exceptional trade events will take place at Ptak Warsaw Expo. This is a fantastic opportunity to end the year in style, establish new business connections, gain knowledge, and discover the latest industry solutions. Here are the final events of the year:

Let’s Meet at Ptak Warsaw Expo!

Each of these events provides a unique opportunity for business development, making valuable connections, and learning about the latest trends in the industry. We warmly invite you to Ptak Warsaw Expo, where we will conclude this successful year together!

Dariusz Drąg

Dyrektor ds Rozwoju

Ekspert rynku wystawienniczego | Ptak Warsaw Expo

Kreatywny profesjonalista z dużym doświadczeniem w organizacji różnego rodzaju przedsięwzięć, zarządzaniu zespołem oraz prowadzeniu negocjacji.

Director of Development

Dariusz Drąg

Exhibition Market Expert | Ptak Warsaw Expo

A creative professional with extensive experience in organizing various projects, team management, and conducting negotiations.